? One Shining Moment

How NCAA March Madness Shapes Business of Sports There are few events on the calendar that capture the collective attention of American sports fans than March Madness. Blue bloods, underdogs, tournament darlings, buzzer-beaters, and the heart-pounding tension that ramps up as game’s wind down to the closing seconds. March Madness [...]

Upside: How AI is reshaping pro sports

From injury prevention, augmented video.. to blockchain With VC firms investing a record $9.3B into U.S.-based AI startups in 2018 — more than 8x the funding levels from just 5 years ago — AI has become a hot topic in the investment and the tech community as a whole. Google [...]

?Upside Chat: Adam Cheyer

[Full Transcript] The Upside Talks With 'Father of Siri' About AI, Sports Last week, we had the honor of chatting with Adam Cheyer, the founder of Siri (sold to Apple), Viv Labs (sold to Samsung), and known as a world’s pioneer in the world of AI. Throughout our conversation with [...]

? Siri: What’s the Killer AI Sports App?

Siri Founder Chats About AI & Sports Dear Friends and Members, Today we’re excited to officially launch our new weekly market intelligence newsletter. “The Upside.” The Upside is powered by Sports Tech Advisors, a sports advisory firm and spin-off of SportsCouncil SV. Now, with a new team of writers, our [...]

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